Commit Processing This is an irreversible step and thus it is imperative that you are satisfied with the results of EOP or...
Compensation Plan Processing COM (Short for Commissions): COM processing is used when the compensation plan has specific commissions and bonuses that are paid...
Creating an Adjustment for Re-Issued Check To create an adjustment to reflect a payment to a distributor that was given outside of the system, a Non-Commissions...
EOP Checks Create Checks: This function creates the checks and updates the check register. Once checks have been created for a cycle...
Making Changes After Committing After Committing a cycle you cannot alter the results of that cycle. However, there are two primary ways to make...
Print Checks You must have the MICR font installed on the computer from which you are opening the check report and printing....
Processing Once you are ready to run processing. Click Processing Tab, click Compensation, Select the cycle that will be processed (if...
Reverse Processing Prior to being committed, a cycle can be reversed. Reversing a cycle will eliminate the processing entirely. This function enables...