Create Checks: This function creates the checks and updates the check register. Once checks have been created for a cycle they can be recreated by using the ReCreate Checks function.
To create checks, click Processing Tab, click EOP Checks, click Create Checks.
Only cycles for which checks have not been already created will appear in the drop down list, with the last cycle being the default. Confirm the cycle is correct. The starting check number will default to the next check number in the check register. The starting check number can be changed to a different number, change if necessary. The check date will default to today’s date; change if necessary. Click Save.
Recreate Checks: Re-creating checks updates the checks in the check register and creates new checks for a specific processing cycle. You can recreate checks for any processing cycle for which checks have previously been created.
To recreate checks for a processing cycle, click Processing Tab, click EOP Checks, click ReCreate Checks. Select the correct cycle!
Make sure the default check number is correct and the check date is correct. Then click Save.
Note: Checks are automatically deleted if a cycle is reversed. You will need to recreate checks again.