There are other payment methods available: Cash, Money Order and Check. These payment methods are not processed through a merchant account, rather the payment posted and a payment record created.
There are variations of the fields that can display depending on the payment method that is chosen. Simply complete filling in the information for each field and click Post Payment.
Discount Payment Method: A discount can be applied to an order as a payment method. Typically a discount will be entered in conjunction with another payment method. Enter one payment as a discount and another payment as appropriate. Adjust the Amount applied according to the payment type. Note: To alter the volume and/or Tax totals after entering a Discount, put the order in “Entered” status and click Save. Re-post the order if needed.
Coupon Discount Method: Coupons can be used as a discount for an order. For more information on coupons, see the Coupon section of this users guide.
E-Check Payment Method: If an E-Check merchant account has been integrated with your system, this will appear as a payment option. Complete the required fields and click Post Payment. E-check payment submissions and responses are recorded in the ES 100 on the E-check Transaction Report.
Merchant Account Declines
When a credit card or E-check is submitted to the merchant account and the payment is declined, a message will display on the screen indicating that an error occurred when processing the card.
You can update the credit card or E-check information and resubmit. If the transaction is still unsuccessful, contact the distributor or customer to get an alternative form of payment.
You can review credit card and E-check submissions and responses in the Merchant Account Transaction and E-check Transaction reports under the Reports Tab.