1) Clicking Save will save all changes to the order.
2) If the order is in an Entered status, an important effect of clicking Save is that the subtotal, shipping charge and taxes will be recalculated. When you click Save any Manual overrides of shipping charges and taxes will be overwritten.
3) If the order is in any other status, such as Posted or Shipped, only notes and changes to the Billing and/or Shipping address can be entered and saved by clicking Save.
1) Clicking Post will change the status of an order from Entered to Posted. This is an important step in the order process. Posted orders display under the Shipping Tab to be shipped. Posted orders also are included in compensation plan calculations.
2) If manual overrides of shipping charges and/or taxes have been entered, clicking Post will retain these changes in addition to changing the status of the order to Posted. Clicking Save will apply the configured shipping and tax settings which will overwrite any manual changes made to the order.
1) Clicking UnPost will change the status of the order to Entered and modifications can then be made to the order. Most changes to an order must be made in an Entered status.
2) Keep in mind, if an order is UnPosted and edited after it has already been shipped, make sure to return the order to it’s original Shipped status after all edits are complete. For example: If the order was already shipped and changes to the order record are made, the order should be returned to Shipped status after changes are made.
1) Clicking Void, changes the status of the order to Void. A voided order is not included in compensation plan calculations. Voided order records are retained for historical reference.
2) Once an order is voided, it cannot be unvoided. If an order is voided by mistake a new order must be created.
1) Clicking Ship, changes the status of the order to Shipped.
2) Orders in the Shipped status can be included in the Shipping File export under the Shipping Tab. This file is used to import shipping information into various shipping programs such as UPS.
Click on Invoice to generate a printable invoice for the order.