
To issue coupons to discount any orders that customers place, you can enter your coupon numbers in the ES100 to track the percentage/amount that will be applied to the order. Additional programming may be required on your shopping cart to enable special use of coupons, so please contact us if you plan to utilize this function.

To set up your coupons, click Company Tab, click ES 100 Setup, click Order, click Coupons

If you have coupons setup already, you will see a listing of all your coupons.


To create a new coupon, click Create Coupon


Enter the coupon Description.


Enter the Start # and End # for the coupons that you wish to create. The Start/End #’s must be alpha numeric and not contain any special symbols (i.e. *, %, $ etc.).


Enter the Amount for the coupon. From the drop down, select either Flat Amount or Percentage to identify if this will be a flat-dollar amount discounted or a percentage of the price discounted.


The User Type dropdown determines if a distributor, customer, or both can utilize this coupon.


The User Type # allows you to choose a specific customer or distributor to give a coupon code to.


You can limit this coupon to be usable only during a certain date range by modifying the Start Date and End Date.


Utilize Product Types if you want to limit the coupon usage on certain product types within your system.


If this coupon can only be used once, set the Reusable flag to NO; if it can be used multiple times, set it to YES.


If this coupon is for your Field to give to their customer’s and the Distributor will be charged a fee, you can add a Distributor Adjustment in a negative amount to be deducted from the Distributor’s commissions and an Adjustment description to explain what the adjustment is for. This is what will show as the details on the commission detail report, for the adjustment made to that distributor for the coupon used.


You can specify the coupon to Apply To Shipping in two different ways. ReduceShipping would reduce the calculated shipping charges by the dollar or percentage specified above. Override Shipping would be used to set a specific shipping dollar amount (must be a Flat Amount Type coupon criteria selected above) that would override any calculated shipping charges on the order (i.e. Set Type Flat Amount to $0 and use Override Shipping – would essentially create a “Free Shipping” coupon).


By selecting Application(s) you choose where the coupon you are created can be used.


Once you have entered your criteria, click Generate.The system will automatically generate coupon codes for you to use.

To create coupons for different amounts or percentages, repeat the process above and use start and end #’s that have not yet been used.

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