Country Setup

Country information is set up under the Company Tab, click ES100 Setup.


Select International, then click Countries. If enabled in your system, a list of all countries broken up will be displayed.


Click on the Country you wish to modify.



Use the Tax Name and Tax Rate to establish the Sales Tax charged on taxable products being shipped to that Country.


Set the Country Currency, Units of Measure, and Date Format.

Set the Country Language, this will determine which Language to display in the Extranet for distributors who do not have a default Language established.

Check whether to Enable the Country for use in the system, whether to display theDelivery Office, Street 3, and Postal Code fields on the Distributor and Customer information screens.

Check to determine whether this Country should act as the Master Country for Date Formatting and Units of Measure.

An unlimited number of Provinces can be set up for a Country.  The Provinces will display in a drop-down list for the Customer and Distributor to select when the select this country.

Each Province can be assigned a Tax Name and Tax Rate.  This is used to determine the Sales Tax charged on taxable products being shipped to this Province. If Country Tax is set to YES for the Province, BOTH the Country Tax AND Province Tax will be charged.

Type in a Province Abbreviation, and check whether or not it should be Enabled in the system.

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